Enroute to hapiness

your five years old self would be overjoyed with the to and fro swing a new toy or favorite ice cream
everybody's childhood is special unforgettable and memorable not because it is meant to be but because it is not limited
not limited by people , things and situations

I know growing up changes you in possible ways that it could and makes you a total different individual
but it also changes your perspective thoughts and notion
this is how growing up changed your standpoint of happinessit has restricted it with variety of ways
with the things,conditions,people,instruments,places and moments
and you cannot achieve something infinite which is finite narrowed and bordered by you
it is you who can see,conceive,visualize and grasp the frame of happiness
The happiness which has no boundary which belongs to each and every moment you are living
it is just a state of mind shortened by you

it comes from your heart when you see a person or do your favorite thing
the important thing is
how you see thing
how you cherish them or
how you make moments or
live with memories

Happiness is just a stimulus to see things differently
to act diversely
and to think uniquely

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